Does your Epson printer also stops while printing? Does it get offline? Don’t worry you are in right place. We are going to address all the possible solutions about the issue on this article. So lets get started.
Causes of Epson printer offline
Being a reputed company Epson has the issue of going offline more often which is really disappointing, but it can be solved easily once it is understood. Here are many reasons by which you can easily resolve the issue easily.
- USB Connection:
Don’t forget to tighten all the connections. Whenever the power cable, USB s are connected with printer ensure that they are not loose. In case of improper connections or circuit breaks the printer will show offline.
- Internet Connection:
Proper connection and communication is the two most important thing that a printer needs. One thing should always be kept in mind that printer must have a wired connection and that must be very strong and flawless , without loss or slow speed. In case of wireless connection ensure the configuration properly so the error can be resolved.
- Outdated Drivers:
If the drivers are not up to date then the communication between the computer and the printer gets hampered. This improper communication between the two device will create a harassment and for this the printer will not work properly. So for a smooth and flawless performance the drivers should be kept updated.
- Paper jam:
You have to be very precise while inserting paper into the printer its not less than a art. It requires huge patience and concentration , if it gets stuck while printing the printer will automatically stop working and will create a messy printout. So it is better to place the sheets slow and accordingly into the printer to avoid jamming.
Ways to fix the common printer offline problems:

The very first thing that comes to mind when a Epson printer gets offline is that , the device is getting proper connection, its the communication is being interrupted. The types of connections that need to be checked are:
- USB Connectivity:
You need to ensure the fact that the USB cable is working properly or not. If you find the USB cable all right then remove it and turn your computer off for 5 seconds and after that connect the USB cable and switch it on. If any error persists, try doing it with different cable.
- Wireless Connectivity:
Wrong connections are the another main cause of the faulty printers. You have to make the connection of the printer with Wi-Fi so that it can run smoothly while the entire printing process with decent internet speed. After doing all these if the issue still persists then you have to follow the next step.
- Up to date printer drivers
We know that the driver is the bridge in between the computer and the printer. It gradually converts the commands of the printing if needed. Also if the printer not updated it can cause a blunder , henceforth it is advised to the users to keep the printer updated and set them on auto update mode. To set the computer on auto update mode you need the instructions below:
- Open the settings.
- Press the Update & Security.
- Click on Windows update.
- Then click the check for update option.
Once all these settings are configured , the system will upgrade automatically to the latest version or you can just remove the previous driver and get the new driver which will update it automatically. If the problem still persists then you have to restart the system.
- Restart the printer
In most of the cases when the printer stops working the only way to make it work is to restart the device. You just have to turn it off and then on. If none of this works then you need to go to the nearest Epson Service centre for the resolution.
Epson printers are one of the most widespread and trustworthy printers. But they also got some bad issues which may create few problems while working. So here I have mentioned the possible reasons and the solutions of the Epson printers offline problems. Hope this article will help you to overcome such unavoidable situations.